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Scientists search Black Gold

  Scientists Found 'Black Gold'

Black gold

 Old sayings   ‘Indian’s love gold’ but not from now since ancient times. Gold had been used since ancient times sometimes for making beauty products, accessories, coins, emblems, War products, and crowns and many other purposes. We have often seen Gold is often seen in bright yellow shade or pale. Because of it none reactive chemical quality, can last for long time. But have you ever imagined gold could be black? Or ‘Black Gold’!

   What is ‘Black Gold’

 The young scientist of Tata Institute of Fundamental Research TIFR , Mumbai with collaboration of Seol National UniversitySNU )scientist Yeonhee Lee, Kyunjong Sim and Jwa-Min Nam has bring a new research in the field of science. It proves to be as a revolutionary process in the field of science.

Significance of ‘Black Gold’

  1. This absorbs sunlight whether it is visible or infrared rays.
  2.  It can convert Carbon_dioxide into Methane  under normal temperature. This will be helpful in reducing CO2 level. The future possibility says that you can produce fuel from gold.
  3. It can be used to purify the saline water into drinkable water means you don’t need water purifiers.The process can be done by using nano heater. The heat will bring steam out of sea water.
  4. The sunlight will increase the temperature that will be useful source of thermal energy. 

What is the chemistry working behind 'Black Gold'  ?

Distributed particles

  1.  The scientist had rearranged the gaps in the gold particles
  2. The large surface areas, low densities, high porosities, high mechanical stabilities, low toxicities among the particles provide it black color.
  3. The Dendritic fibrous Nanosilica has been used for solar-energy harvesting, self-cleaning antireflective coatings, surface Plasmon resonance-based ultrasensitive sensors, energy storage CO2 capture, and biomedical applications (Report published in NCBI- Vivek Polshettyvar).

The content of this article has been taken from different news and Research Paper

Something out of the box

Black-and-yellow String Lights

You can say I am using “Gold fuel.”

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